Now Open for Enrollment:


with Lauren Walker

Lauren here . . . I’m the creator of Energy Medicine Yoga, a paradigm shift in how we practice yoga and maintain our energetic health and wellbeing. The focus is on thriving, healing, and manifesting your best life with the most powerful tool available - your energy!

Even though I was a devoted teacher and practitioner, I was definitely not thriving; “struggling” would be a better word. It was not until I discovered the work of Donna Eden and Energy Medicine that my life dramatically changed for the better. With the original intention of simply saving time, I began to weave Energy Medicine techniques into my yoga practice. This is when my life shifted and greatly transformed. Thus, Energy Medicine Yoga was created.

Find out why:

  • You are attracted to some things and not others

  • You may not feel refreshed when you wake up in the morning

  • You need to understand polarity if you want to work effectively with your energy systems

  • You may be sabotaging your detoxification efforts and how to prevent it


“EMYoga has become my go-to resource for self-healing and introspective growth. With each course I take, I feel like I become more grounded and empowered.”

“Lauren's Creating Your Energetic Health course was educational and life-changing. Learning about our body's energy systems has enabled me to heal physical and emotional pain. When we change our energy, we really can enhance our health!”

“Lauren Walker is a master teacher. She translates her comprehensive knowledge into sizable, learnable bits of information. Lauren is talented and her practice is invigorating. I especially enjoy her calm, cool and collected meditation practices. She is the real deal. I would recommend taking any class with Lauren - she lives and breathes Energy Medicine and has Donna Eden's magic running through her.”

“What an experience! I’ve never participated in an energy medicine course based on such a solid scientific foundation. I’ve learned more than I expected and intend to review each lesson to learn some of what I did not learn the first time through. This is what I’ve been seeking.”

“Everybody should learn how to take care of their own energetic health, because it really anchors you here in your body and learns you how to plug yourself into the eternal stream of life, instead of just surviving, you will learn how to surf. It's really hard to describe in just words what this course does for you. I know for myself it has been life-changing and it will be something I will continue to practice and dive deeper into, as it makes me feel more whole and alive. Lauren is an excellent teacher, she really reaches everyone and has a deep understanding of the material as well as passion about it. She is very thorough with describing the exercises, so you never get lost. I would recommend this to everyone.”

I’m going to teach you how to elevate your ENERGETIC HEALTH to strengthen every energy system in your body.

In this course, you will learn:

  • What magnetism is and how it applies to our health

  • What polarity is and why it's important

  • Why living in harmony with the rhythms of nature is energetically efficient and healing

  • How EMYoga works with the body’s energy systems to strengthen your inner battery and build lasting resilience

  • How to use your personal magnet to attract what you want into your life

  • Why poor energetic health is as bad as poor hygiene

  • Just how powerful and important working with the Yin/Yang theory is to balance your body’s energies

  • And so much more…

Bonus Video and PDF Handout!

You'll also receive a bonus video by Lauren Walker to assist you on your journey into the world of energy.

  • Best of all, you will learn three simple techniques to bring yourself into alignment with the earth’s magnetic field, not only promoting your overall health, but empowering you to attract all that you desire . . .

    You'll also receive a simple but key illustration to locating your own directional forces. These are our gifts to you in order to cultivate more energy; charging your own battery so you feel strong, vibrant and charged to live your best life.

What’s covered each week?

  • Week 1

    Learn to feel your own energy field and how tuning into this field directly impacts both your life force and nervous system. As we acknowledge the intelligence found in nature, we will focus on the energy associated with the winter season, the most quiet and introspective time of the year; as well as how ancient yogis created and harnessed energy within the body.

  • Week 2

    You will begin to expand your awareness of the Yin/Yang Theory and how best to align your own polarity with that of the Earth and Sun; understanding why this is imperative for optimal health and vitality. We’ll also contemplate the powerful, emergent energy of the Spring season.

  • Week 3

    Learn to tap into the magnetism of your heart energy, the most powerful and stabilizing electromagnetic field of the body. In addition, we’ll consider the energy synonymous with the Summer season; the most active time of year. Learn how to let that energy fill you up instead of overwhelming you.

  • Week 4

    Explore ways to surrender into the higher intelligence of your energy systems. Understand the reasoning of why the energy of “letting go” and “forgiveness” are so powerful in your ability to shift unwanted, stuck patterns in your life. The corresponding season to these principles is Autumn; a time when we start to go within, but still have the energy to experience this time of harvest.

  • Week 5

    Develop skills to calm and evolve your fight, flight, freeze response so it stops sabotaging your efforts to grow and transform. Learn all-important techniques to stay grounded, even when life throws you a curveball.

  • Week 6

    Learn how to harness the power of your inner protector, the “keeper of your heart.” When in balance, this Keeper will help release the annoying thought loops of your inner critic, releasing tension throughout the body and allowing you to feel truly nurtured and loved.

  • Week 7

    Now you are ready to integrate the lessons and messages held by the Earth. Here you will begin to utilize this wisdom to work with your energy systems. This dance between the small and the large, ‘as above, so below’ will empower you, and help create and solidify lasting energetic health for years to come.


Founder & Creator, EMYoga Lauren Walker

Lauren is the founder and creator of Energy Medicine Yoga. She’s been teaching yoga and meditation since 1997 and in 2016 was named one of the top 100 most influential yoga teachers in America. She leads workshops and retreats across the country and offers trainings internationally to certify teachers in the principles and practices of Energy Medicine Yoga. Her work has been featured in Yoga Journal, Mantra Magazine, Yoga Digest, The New York Times, and more. Following her first two award-winning books, she recently released her third book The Energy to Heal: Find Lasting Freedom From Stress & Trauma Through Energy Medicine Yoga (Llewellyn 2022).

The course is broken down as follows:

  • 7 comprehensive modules

  • Pre-recorded 30-60 minute lectures taught by Lauren Walker in each module

  • A corresponding 1-hour EMYoga practice with each module to embody the concepts and techniques presented in the lectures

  • Home “play” assignments and suggested deepening practices

  • Private Facebook group to engage with other students and the EMYoga Team. Designed to build community while helping you integrate the teachings through interaction with other students

  • BONUS Video and PDF Handout

You can create energetic health in your body, inspiring and elevating joy and vitality.

When your inner battery is charged and vibrant, you not only become happier, but more resilient to the stresses and challenges of everyday life.

I guarantee you will be amazed by the simple ways you can plug into the energy already present in your body. I am so confident, that if you are not 100% happy within the first week, I’ll refund ALL your money.

  • I also promise that my team or I will respond to ALL of your questions regarding the content of this course.

  • I am here 100% for YOU. That’s how much energy I have! Why do I have so much energy? Because I personally practice all these same tools I’m going to share with you.

Course curriculum

    1. Week 1 Handout and Deepening Practices

    2. Week 1 Lecture: Discover Why Polarity Matters to Your Health

    3. Week 1 Practice: Getting the Static out of the System

    1. Week 2 Handout and Deepening Practices

    2. Week 2 Lecture: The Power to Heal with Yin / Yang Theory

    3. Week 2 Practice: Energetic Health is About Coming Back into Balance

    1. Week 3 Handout and Deepening Practices

    2. Week 3 Lecture: Cultivating Passion with the Heart

    3. Week 3 Practice: Coming Home to Your Heart

    1. Week 4 Handout and Deepening Practices

    2. Week 4 Lecture: Clearing Energetic Clutter

    3. Week 4 Practice: Trust and Let Go

    4. Q&A Session with Lauren #1

    1. Week 5 Handout and Deepening Practices

    2. Week 5 Lecture: As Above, So Below

    3. Week 5 Practice: Nourish and Celebrate Yourself

    1. Week 6 Handout and Deepening Practices

    2. Week 6 Lecture: Evolving Beyond Stress

    3. Week 6 Practice: Soothing the Nervous System for Inner Peace

About this course

  • $347.00
  • 25 lessons
  • 15.5 hours of video content