Join Lauren as she guides you through four EMYoga practices.

Learn how a daily practice focused on the energetics of your body can help you free yourself from stress and long standing trauma patterns in your energy fields.

We'll focus on:

  • Tools for Training Triple Warmer: this energy system governs the Fight/Flight/Freeze response in the body but can also evolve into the gateway of being your biggest energetic supporter for bliss. Training this energy to help and support you is integral to healing.

  • The Inner Nurturer: You’ll learn how to balance two energies, Spleen and Circulation/Sex that help the body stay safe and feel loved. This is so important for you on your path to healing and peace.

  • Releasing Shock: When something big happens in our life, it can lodge into the delicate tissues in the body, as well as into the delicate energies that underlie those. We’ll start to get those shocks released. Just like the shocks on your car can wear out and make every bump seem like the Grand Canyon, so too, can our shock system get overwhelmed.

  • Emotions: by now you know that emotions can be both great gifts of wisdom, as well as sign posts for things that can take all your energy and make you feel unwell or uncentered. Instead of pushing them aside or denying they exist, EMYoga gives you simple tools to harvest their information and harmonize their energy.

Your Guide