Course curriculum

    1. Lecture: Welcome to Harnessing the Power of the Chakras

    2. Practice: A Short Routine for Grounding

    3. Practice: A Variation of The EMYoga Wake Up

    4. Text Document: How To Take This Course

    5. PC Chakras - Module 1 Handout

    1. Practice: Learn to Feel Your Energy

    2. Lecture and a Short Practice: Geometry is Information

    3. Lecture: How Energy Flows Through the Body

    4. PC Chakras - Module 2 Handout

    1. Lecture: Understanding and Activating The Bandhas

    2. Practice: A Deeper Experience of the Bandhas

    3. Lecture: Nadis - What They Are and Why They Are Important

    4. Lecture: The Nadis and The Chakras

    5. PC Chakras - Module 3 Handout

    1. Lecture: Sound is Healing

    2. Lecture: The Bija Mantras

    3. PC Chakras - Module 4 Handout

    1. Lecture: An Overview of The Chakras

    2. Lecture: The Architecture of the Chakras

    3. Lecture: The Seven Chakras

    4. Lecture: When and Why to Work on Your Chakras

    5. PC Chakras - Module 5 Handout

    1. Lecture: Pranayama and The Chakras

    2. Practice: Pranayama - The Centering Breath

    3. Lecture: Learning How To Work With The Chakras

    4. Practice: Preparing Your Energies for a Chakra Practice

    5. Practice: A Short Protocol for Each Chakra

    6. Practice: Spinning and Clearing Your Chakras

    7. Practice: Chakra Linking and Figure-8ing

    8. PC Chakras - Module 6 Handout

About this course

  • $347.00
  • 53 lessons
  • 22 hours of video content

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